Name Address City State Zip Code


Bernard H. Bauerle

22935 Banyan Pl. #277

SAnta Clarita CA 91390

Status Spouse or Significant Other  Children Grand Children Home Phone


2 BOY/2 GIRLS 5 (661) 430-0350
Occupation Employer Position Work Phone Mobile Phone Website
Mechanic Magic Mountain Ride Mechanic (661) 430-0350 (661) 733-9102

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The Bauerle Clan



  Hobbies: Genealogy, travel in the 3rd world countries, being a Grandfather, being part of the forty-sixers.

I guess you could  say my life has been in phases. "Happily Crazy" includes the 8 years at St. Charles, 2 years at Bellermine-Jefferson, 2 years Hollywood High, 2 years Trade Tech. Then did my time in Viet-Nam in what was called the brown water Navy. "Happily Married" started when I got back from Nam and got married. I started working at Magic Mountain and bought a horse ranch in Sylmar. Then, the kids came and an endless parade of all kinds of pets. This caused  me to get very involved with my church, the kids private school, and the community. I ended up as the president of an independent baseball/softball league for 1200 boys and girls during a re-location. This brought a suit against me by a lady for loss of consortium, that ran in the court system for two and half years before being thrown out. A little scary at the time but now that I'm single its something to brag about. This phase lasted 22 years and ended with a divorce. I fought in court and received custody of the youngest, which got me monthly child support checks till just recently also was able to keep the ranch.

That started the best phase of my life, "Happily Single". Being a single parent was very challenging but very rewarding. Soon the grandkids started showing up and due to the situation it was required me to be very involved in there lives which continues even to today. Due to having the extra money was able to get fast cars, traveling and fulfilling my lifetime fantasies.

About two years ago I decided to start getting ready for retirement so started downsizing by selling the ranch and purchasing a town home here in Santa Clarita.

Fondest St. Charles Memories: Badges, Having my early education "beaten" into me. Thank You, Sister Mary Audrey, Dermot, & William Frances it made me a better person.