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After leaving St. Patrick’s, I enrolled at Notre Dame High School and graduated in ‘64.  I got drafted into the Army but because I was enrolled in Valley College, I became Class 2.  Dottie and I got married in November of ’65, which made me a Class 3 in the army.  When Dottie got pregnant in December, I got a Class 4 deferment, and that took care of my draft status.  I worked at Triple A Neon for 6 months, during which time our first daughter was born.  I enrolled in a four year electrical apprenticeship program, had our second baby girl in ‘68, and graduated from the apprenticeship program in ’69, then becoming a Class A journeyman. I  became a class A truck driver and  went to Pierce College to become a Certified Welder for the City Of Los Angeles. In ’70 we left St. Patrick’s church and became active parishioners at St. Jane Francis de Chantal in No. Hollywood for 25 yrs.  While there, I was on the Finance Committee and ran the festivals for 15 yrs as the head electrician.  After working for several sign companies, I joined Brite Lite Neon in ‘73, the family business, (started in 1952).  In ’78, our son was born.  I am currently listed as “vice president” of Brite Lite, but really am the plant manager and handle the installation of signs of national accounts.  We are still active Catholics and attend Our Lady of Grace Church, where I am on the Pastoral Council and we are both Eucharist Ministers.  In 2001, I had a triple by-pass, but never had a heart attack.  Two years later I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a relatively new procedure called nerve-sparing surgery, with the outcome being that I am still able to have sex, thank God.  So, my house is paid for, my family is healthy, my wife and I are still enjoying each other after 42 years. What more could a man ask for?

Hobbies: Golf, Reading and Gardening



Favorite Memories of St. Patrick’s:  Track and field (Loretta comes to mind); the time Tim Nielsen plowed into the basketball pole; Sister Anthony; tough cookie Mother Regis; annual Barbeques (loved the barbeque sandwiches); being an altar boy and learning Latin for the Masses.